
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Citroen C-Cactus, "the gift of the gods."

It is always difficult to get along with everyone, and is usually not easy to make a good production that let users happy because they have cheaper costs, or environmental contaminant at a car terribly badly designed, but is less contributions from the two pollutant particles that make the car a more or less polluting vehicle, but the C-Cactus has achieved the impossible and, therefore, seems a gift from Olympus, making a special low-cost design production, with an impressive fuel economy and also a very low environmental pollution, definitely something to be reviewed.

Frankfurt, Germany, where there will be among those who began to follow a concept that definitely draws attention to the users for their extraordinary contours and is very pleasing to the retina of the curious per line slipping it into an exponent innovation only because we must remember that this is not an Audi or Mercedes, but a modest Citroën screaming coming from the great ecological perfect solution for users.

Technically, the model emits 78 grams of CO2 per kilometer, thanks to the technology involved, which consists of a motor hybrid HDi Diesel type, all of which would disintegrate noting that a heat engine type Diesel HDi 70 hp and an electric power which provides 30 more horsepower, so the car can eventually develop a more than suitable for those who enjoy a performance "necessary" to move with confidence and to require a bit from time to time.

Perhaps the anti particle filter is one of the essential issues in a car like this, which boasts of being " green "and it was all so amazing saves, and that only uses 2.9 liters per 100 kilometers.

Finally, the car comes with a spirit in keeping with new trends, then to the surprise of many people, had seen a similar concept in an exhibition with disastrous results, the ideals were those of Hyundai, but here it has built good way relieves the design of their doors, drawing superbly each guideline substantially separating this part of the car with the rest.

As good car "modernist" adds a transparent roof type (glass) that delivers the freedom and communication with the environment necessary to cause the always desirable contact feeling at times that may cause climate defenseless passengers, for example in rain rains, can almost "touch" the water without even getting wet hair.

The analysis of the model is complex, because they have really a wonder with recycled components, and is not skip this great detail is the secret that gives joy to the manufacturers because they have cheaper costs, but also took care of the environment , and by no means neglected incorporates touch screen technology as the central panel, the steering wheel controls and a series of functions that are to be regarded as a dangerous example of hybrids, which, while not Lexus or BMW could topple an audience mass they want and like about revolutionary ways effective.

The modeling of the front could perhaps be criticized as an "abuse" of the rounded designs, which sometimes become somewhat "obsessive" but beyond all always been the hallmark that has made Citroen in all its versions, what they have written off the idea of joining again. Praise could not be omitted when referring to the back of the car, which mercilessly left a serious task to their counterparts in design and concept of forms.

The price?, Well that's something that could not be left out and this time is especially nice to refer to the issue, since everything that has been shown and described is to reach all those who have dreamed to buy a C4 model, and not everyone, just the basics to get you, so no excuses left to care for the environment and look like due to a speed of 150 kilometers per hour at least (electronically limited), so dream that has been said, in a world and Citroën absolutely clean.

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